There are three key components to any computer program: Variables/Constants Data Structures Logic Structures In my previous post, I explained what a “Data Structure” was, and gave some examples of where they might be used in a program. I also described the difference between three major Data Types: Integer, String, and Double. The pieces of Read More →


There are three key components to any computer program: Variables/Constants Data Structures Logic Structures In the last post, I described the difference between a variable and a constant. In this post, I’ll get into detail about data structures and the different types of variables. A data structure is, as its name implies, simply a way Read More →


As I mentioned before, the best way to learn a programming language is to first learn some concepts. This is mainly because languages are becoming more interchangeable, but also because I’ve seen too many people try to “rush” into programming. Sometimes this is because of a lack of patience. However, all too often, it’s because Read More →


Welcome to The Brave Little Coder! My name is Jack, and I’m here to guide you through the joy of programming. I plan on writing posts covering beginner to advanced techniques, and will always be honest upfront about the difficulty level of each post. Unlike a school course, there is no time limit or specific Read More →
